Чит коды к игре Blacklight Tango Down
Choose "Help + Options" in the Main Menu and then choose "Unlock Code."
Автор: demolord от 27.07.2010 | Просмотров/отзывов: 2912/0 |
Чит коды к игре Alien Swarm
Press ~ during game play to display the console window, then type sv_cheats 1 to
enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window.
enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window.
Автор: demolord от 27.07.2010 | Просмотров/отзывов: 5606/0 |
Чит коды к игре Mario Forever
Open the folder Mario Forever( default : C:\Buziol Games\Mario Forever) where
the game has been installed. Open the configuration setting file "mafosav" with
Notepad or other text editor.
the game has been installed. Open the configuration setting file "mafosav" with
Notepad or other text editor.
Автор: demolord от 27.07.2010 | Просмотров/отзывов: 12466/0 |